Prospect Park
Block Party
Rescheduled: Aug 16
Time: 5-7 p.m.
We're ready to celebrate our neighborhood - together!
Celebrating the Dutch Hill Neighborhood
Our neighborhood has Prospect Park perched in the middle - waiting for a celebration just like this one. We're teaming with Tyiesha of NFamous and her backpack giveaway for back to school.
Stop by on August 16th for:
Free food
Local business pop-ups
Bounce House
Book Swap
Drill team
Playground fun
... and much more!
We need the help of volunteers and community leaders to bring these event to maximum impact. Help us today!
We are asking people to keep all pets at home. There will be a lot of people attending, and this might be overwhelming to some animals.
Properly credentialed service animals are always welcome.
Bring your art!
We're hosting an art exhibit for the neighborhood. The prompt is simple. HOME.
What comes to mind when you see the word home? We want you to share your pieces with us.
All of our events are run by volunteers. This makes our neighborhood amazing - we're excited to get people together and to have fun together. Can you help us set up or tear down? We would appreciate it more than you know.